
What Is Shame and How Can We Break Its Hold?

The go-to guide to understand and unpack shame: what it is, why we feel it, and how to undo the lies it tells us about ourselves.

Are you ready to get Discomfortable?

We all know shame: it’s that unpleasant feeling that makes us think there is something wrong with who we are. It’s more than just embarrassment or regret—shame can shake us to the core. And worst of all, it tells us that we need to be, feel, and act differently in order to be seen, loved, and accepted. But is that true?

Author and shame educator (a.k.a. “Shame Ed” coach) A.J. Bond takes us through his own shame breakthrough, sharing how he went from I’d rather die than be gay to uncovering and reclaiming his inherent wholeness and worth.

With unexpected humor, warmth, and candid personal stories, Bond shines a light on this feeling that doesn’t want to be seen and named—and invites us to bring our own shame into the open to reclaim and reframe our lives in a powerful new way.

“Conveyed through personalized psychological insights, the book pairs its topical explorations of shame with tender, funny revelations, resulting in an approachable, earnest guidebook to living a more authentic life.”

— JEREMIAH ROOD, Foreward Reviews

“A captivating and intriguing read for anyone dealing with the lingering effects of chronic shame in their life.”

— DR. DOUGLAS J. TATARYN, originator of the Bio-Emotive Framework

“Being able to handle shame is a superpower. I recommend this book to anyone that wants to feel bolder, genuinely free, and empowered.”

— LIV LARSSON, author of Anger, Guilt and Shame and Nonviolent Communication trainer and mediator

“Bond writes beautifully about his personal journey of self-discovery and growth and sheds much light on the universal experience of shame as ‘emotional kryptonite.’”

— SHEILA RUBIN and BRET LYON, cofounders and codirectors of the Center for Healing Shame

Let’s talk

If you are reading Discomfortable with your book club, let me know using this contact form and I will try to zoom into one of your meetings!

Contact A.J.

Book News

On Pride

In celebration of Pride month, I wrote a short passage for my publisher, North Atlantic

Book Release

Discomfortable the book comes out on September 7th! In celebration, join A.J. for a presentation

Discomfortable © 2025